注:○道根源:王禹偁《日長簡仲咸》:“伯陽書見道根源?!薄鹦劊何簳x玄學之談。葛洪《抱樸子·嘉遁》:“積篇章為敖庾,寶玄談為金玉?!弊g原文之Doctor。圣論:班固《典引序》:“臣固常伏刻誦圣論,昭明好惡,不遺微細,緣事斷誼,動有規(guī)矩。”譯原文之Saint?!鹩嗯f譯:“志學曾希為圣徒,出游惟是訪名儒。既知章句誠堪鄙,便把來途作去途?!币詽h儒故實譯之。嫌末句不典,更譯。○魏新河兄譯云:“為問窮通好訪賢,當年林下競談天。如今自顧依然我,卻向來時路上還?!?br />Myself when young did eagerly frequent
Doctor and Saint, and heard great argument
About it and about: but evermore
Came out by the same door where in I went.
Doctor and Saint, and heard great argument
About it and about: but evermore
Came out by the same door where in I went.